How To Find Your Personal Style With @menswearsoph

The Klaia Team
May 15, 2023
5 min read

This week’s interview is with Sophia, known on social media as @menswearsoph. She shares tips on how to find your personal style and tells us how she started creating content.

We love your style! It is so unique and vibrant. How did you find your personal style?

Thank you so much! It has been a long time coming for me to end up at the point I am currently at, but just taking the time to recognize what I love and not necessarily what’s trending has been an important step in my journey. At this point, my style is essentially like wearing my heart on my sleeve and I couldn’t be happier about that.

Any tips for those who are still trying to find their personal style?

I think finding your style is a journey that lasts a while, and you’ll never truly reach an end point as you discover more about what you like. I would say that the best way is to constantly assess what you like and what brings you joy. Look to your favorite style icons and ask yourself what it is that you like about what they wear. It’s also important to know what kinds of pieces you gravitate towards, and structure your closet around similar pieces! Just consistently following your heart and style.

Take us to your process when choosing an outfit.

I definitely used to be one of those kids who would dream up the outfit the night before and lay it out for school the next day, so sometimes the perfect look just comes into my head and I go with it. Other times, if I want to style a certain piece, I’ll think about layering and other pieces that match and structure a look that way. If I am rushing and just need to throw something on quickly, a vintage slip dress is always the way to go.

How has your style evolved throughout the years?

I have been through a great many phases, that’s for sure! I went through the 2014 Tumblr era that was strictly pieces from American Apparel, which I would say helped me to figure out how to put looks together. I eventually grew out of that and lost myself for a few years, and wasn’t focused on fashion as much. There was a point where I realized I was missing something in the summer of sophomore year of college, which is when I started to branch into wearing colorful pieces. I think the most formative thing for my style was when I studied abroad in Spain (before the pandemic in 2020)–I began to put together fun and funky looks that made me so happy, and ever since then, my style has grown more fun and more funky.

Where do you take inspiration from when it comes to creating fashion content?

I love the cool girl on the street type of content, completely effortless and moving through life. I’m not sure if that’s exactly what it is called, but just the type of cool outfit photos you save to your Pinterest board. There are so many fun and creative ideas for shooting content on Pinterest and I love using the platform as a resource.

When did you start creating content and how?

I started content creation in 2014 with my artwork and 2014-Tumblr-aesthetic, and took breaks here and there. Since I was so young when I started I definitely had many journeys on social that coincided with my interests at the time, and now I think I have worked myself into a place where I am just making things I enjoy and almost scrapbooking my life.

Aside from being a content creator, you are also a college student. What are you planning to do post-graduation? Would you like to create content full-time?

I’ve been in post-grad for about two months now, and I am focusing on content creation while looking for creative work. Maybe at some point in the future if I am able to support myself fully with content creation, I would really enjoy that. For now I am gaining my bearings and attempting to figure out what my next steps are, while doing what I love in the meantime.

How has Klaia been useful for your content creation process?

As someone who has four Gemini placements, I am constantly dealing with pure chaos inside my own head and have trouble organizing all of my thoughts. Klaia is so nice because I am able to task-ify all of the content creation work I have to do and am able to remember when certain things are due/coming up.

We saw you are working with Fenty Beauty – congrats! Can you tell us how you landed that campaign?

Thank you so much! I applied for their ambassadorship program in partnership with College Fashionista and got accepted into the 5-month program. I was mostly in contact with the College Fashionista team throughout my time with the program!

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