How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome As A Content Creator

The Klaia Team
May 9, 2023
5 min read

In content creation, a common development that comes with growing success is imposter syndrome. Whether you have four thousand followers or four million, you may be feeling like you aren’t deserving of what you’ve worked for. We’ve been there. So, we gathered 5 super helpful ways to overcome imposter syndrome as a content creator. Because even though you might get recognition from your audience and even big publications, it can feel like you’re an imposter and it’s normal to feel self-doubt.

What is imposter syndrome?

The simplest way to describe it is the feeling of not being good enough or deserving of your success.

It’s a very common struggle for people with content creation-related professions. Since the field is still new, and there’s so many stigmas surrounding it. There are a lot of people that still don’t understand exactly how influencers make money, which makes it a highly criticized field of work.

So how can you fight against these feelings of self-doubt?

Focus on concrete accomplishments

Look at the different things you’ve achieved and be proud of them, no matter how small they may seem. This can remind you of your growth over time and how you earned your success. Always remind yourself of all the hard work you’ve put into content creation – you are deserving of all the success and accomplishments that follow.

Being able to recognize the value you provide is extremely important. This takes some level of awareness and stopping in the moment to reflect on your daily accomplishments. Make sure you aren’t comparing yourself to others through this process – we are all different. At the end of the day you are always doing your best with the resources available to you.

Give yourself a break

Sometimes, having too much discipline can prevent you from seeing everything you’ve done. If you are always in the cycle of working on the task ahead, you don’t get to stop and look at what you’ve already created.

Putting pressure on yourself to constantly be working towards future projects and setting new goals can create a cycle that’s hard to get out of. It’s important to also reward yourself for what you’ve done. In other words, celebrate every win, big and small.

Look at how you’ve earned your success

Another important part of overcoming imposter syndrome is acknowledging what you’ve done that has led to your achievements. Even saying “yes” to an opportunity or brand collaboration is a decision you’ve made that has progressed your content creation in some way.

Make sure to remind yourself of the hard work you’ve put in and time you’ve dedicated to your success. Although it may not feel like much, it’s probably a lot more than you would initially think.

Recognize positive feedback

It can be a lot easier to focus on negative and critical comments, especially when social media is full of people who criticize everything. Reminding yourself of the positive feedback you receive is super important! Take screenshots of the positive comments, save the positive messages, give yourself a pat in the back. These aren’t narcissistic behaviors, you are allowed to be proud of yourself and of how far you’ve come.

Talk it out

Bottling up your emotions is never healthy, so it’s important to talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling. They can reassure you and maybe even relate to your doubt.

Even hearing about how someone else may be struggling can give you some insight into how difficult it can be to recognize your own success.

Maybe share about how you’re feeling with your audience via Instagram stories – you’d be surprised how many other creators feel the same way.

Additional resources

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