From A 9-5 To Creating Content Full-Time With Sade Mowatt

The Klaia Team
May 9, 2023
5 min read

Sade is a lifestyle and fashion creator, known for her inspiring captions and casual style. In this interview, she tells us how she went from a 9-5 to creating content full-time during the pandemic, her challenges, & more!

When did you start creating content and how did you get started?

I started taking content creation more seriously about 5 years ago when I went on exchange to New Zealand. I figured it was a great time given that I was traveling to such a beautiful place. Although I wanted to start taking it seriously then, life, school and work got in the way so I wasn’t as consistent as I would have wanted to be.

How do you come up with your captions? They are so inspiring!

Thank you so much! This always makes me so happy to hear when people tell me this. I’m obsessed with Pinterest and will draw inspiration from there. Most importantly though I try to just sit and reflect on how I’m truly feeling and share something based on that. I feel like it makes things a lot more relatable and I always love making others know that they are not alone in how they are feeling!

Can you tell how you’ve made the transition from working a 9-5 to being a content creator full-time?

For a long time while working my 9-5 I knew that I eventually wanted to call it quits and take the risk in pursuing content creation full-time. I made sure to save up as much as I could and worked on creating and learning on the side with every spare time I had. I feel like this definitely helped make the transition a lot easier. I also quit during the pandemic which made the decision that much easier because I was getting brand collabs and was having less and less responsibility at work due to not being in office and the overall pandemic.

How do you manage your time as a full-time creator?

I’m still trying to figure out how to have a work-life balance. I make sure to always use my planner and write out the most important things to do first each day and kind of take it from there. Every day is different and I will allocate different days to different content that needs to be created for my different socials.

How have you been able to use Klaia as a content creator?

Klaia has been great to help me keep organized and I love that it’s a one stop place to have ALL the information you need for any collaboration you’re working on.

What have been the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being an influencer?

There are a few challenging aspects for me personally, I would say the top 3 are:

  1. Knowing my worth and what to charge
  2. Not comparing my journey to others
  3. Knowing when to take a break if I’m feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

As for the rewarding aspect, there are so many amazing ones. Getting to meet like minded and genuine people. I love the community I’ve built and it’s so nice to see women supporting women and just helping each other figure out how to navigate this industry.

I love being able to network with such amazing brands and learning more and more about how this industry is growing. It’s also really nice to see how I’ve grown as a person and the ways that I push my comfort zone to be the best possible version of myself.

Related: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Content Creator or Influencer

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your journey as a creator?

That what most people share is just a highlight reel and everyone is going through life at their own pace. Patience, determination, overall health/wellness and consistency are key. If there is something you want, go after it regardless of what anyone else says.

What advice would you give to someone starting to pursue content creation?

Just go for it. Be yourself and share the things you love and enjoy. Patience is also key along with consistency

Related: 8 Ways to Get Paid to Create Content

What’s your favorite platform to create content on? why?

At the moment I would say TikTok and Youtube because these are the 2 platforms I have been more myself on and not afraid to share more of my silly side. I still love Instagram and creating pretty content and sharing my outfits however, I feel like I put myself in a situation where I now feel afraid to share more of my silly side like I do on the other platforms I mentioned above.

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